Tag: cycling

  • Magic hour in Nederland

    Magic hour in Nederland

    Evening rides come in two kinds. First, there’s the frantic assembly on lycra pulled on after a stressful day; a ride sandwiched closely between the commute and darkness. These rides are the bread and butter of Spring and Autumn. They are what keeps the wheels turning when there isn’t another time to ride. The second […]

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  • Road riding on Exmoor – a biased review

    Road riding on Exmoor – a biased review

    The Exmoor coast is the most primitive shoreline left in England. The huge cliffs have protected 35 miles of coastline from development, and the result is one of the most one unique landscapes in the UK. The cliffs role inland onto huge flat-topped hills. The relentless atlantic storms and long winters have scoured the vegetation from […]

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  • Why you need to throw away your old water bottles

    Not many people outside of science have heard about “Endocrine Disruptors”, a term applied to chemicals which can affect how our bodies function, but recent research is starting to show that they may be responsible for the shift in disease prevalence in the western world. To put it simply: cancers, neurodegenerative diseases, and immune disorders […]

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  • Remotivating

    I had a bit of bad luck racing cyclocross in November, and it was the wake up call I needed to get back into cross after collegiate nationals. I raced down in Broomfield at Interlocken, and got a little over zealous in a corner, ending up sliding along the grass with my foot still clipped […]

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  • Where to first?

    Where to first?

    First task for any road trip is to buy a map, but normally this is preceded by working out where on earth we might be going. To cover all eventualities we headed over to the book shop and had a browse around until we walked out with ‘central Europe’ plastered over a huge piece of […]

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  • The Steeps

    The Steeps

    While most in Colorado associate ‘steeps’ with snow, this years’ skiing for me can be written off as  N/A. After much anticipation of backcountry exploring, the reality of rotten snow and daily reports of deaths and injuries in Avalanches across the state steered me firmly away from the high country. Unlike last year, when I […]

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  • Food for freewheeling

    Food for freewheeling

    The last three days have been sandwiches. I like sandwiches. The early sunrise that is beckoning spring has moved my internal dials towards an equally early rise, with the effect that riding in the mornings has actually been possible. The beginning of the week hailed optimistic thoughts of riding without the preface of layering clothes […]

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  • Down by the River

    I arouse from my heavily sedated state. For the second time. My Brother who has brought me a cup of tea two hours earlier is heading out of the house for a run. Its nearly 10am. Jetlag. I lug my lead-weighted body down the stairs and see the bacon already cooked and another cup of […]

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